Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Foods II: Yeast Breads

Today we made the dough for our cinnamon rolls that we will make next time. We also completed a study guide that you'll need to print off and complete: Yeast Bread Study Guide.

Cinnamon Rolls

*For information on what specifically you need to do to make up a lab, click here: Lab Make Up Instructions

Foods I: Muffins

Today we made your choice of: Banana Nut Muffins, Poppy Seed Muffins, Blueberry Muffins, Cornbread Muffins (picture above), or Bran Muffins.

Muffin Recipe

Be careful not to overmix your muffins. If you do, they will be too chewy & they won't have a nice hill on them (they will look like coneheads...something that you do NOT want).

You'll also need to print off the worksheet we did on Quick Breads: Quick Breads Worksheet by reading the information on the study guide: Quick Breads Study Guide.

*For information on what specifically you need to do to make up a lab, click here: Lab Make Up Instructions

Monday, March 28, 2011

Foods II: Health Issues

To make up this lab, choose a Health Issue recipe to make. Bring in a small sample as usual ALONG WITH a paragraph explaining:

1. What is the health issue that benefits from the recipe you chose?
2. What causes this health issue (related to diet)?
3. What are some symptoms?
4. How would the recipe you made help someone with this health concern?

Health Issues Recipes

*For more information on how to make up a lab, click here: Lab Make Up Information

Foods I: Ham Fried Rice

If you missed today, fill out this worksheet: Pasta & Rice Worksheet by reading through this study guide: Study Guide - Pasta/Rice/Quick Breads.

Also, here is the recipe for Ham Fried Rice:

Ham Fried Rice

*For more information on how to make up a lab, click here: Lab Make Up Information

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Foods II: Health Concerns Related to Diet

Today we took notes on health concerns that relate to our diets. While taking notes, you'll need to use context clues to help you fill in the note guide (ex. if anemia is a lack of iron in the blood, then a prevention would be to eat high in iron foods). You'll then need to create a PowerPoint focusing on a health concern that YOU are at risk for. Further directions are on the note guide.


Health Issues Related to Diet Note Guide

Health Issues Related to Diet PowerPoint

Foods I: Whole Wheat Pancakes

Today we did a complex & simple carbohydrate lab. Simple carbs come from the honey & complex carbs come from the whole wheat. Enjoy.

Honey Whole Wheat Pancakes

*For information on how to make up a lab, click here: Lab Make Up Instructions

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Foods I: Carbohydrates

Today we talked about carbohydrates. You'll need to read the attached study sheet & then fill out the study guide on carbohydrates. We then talked about fiber and it's importance to you (you really missed out on the fiber discussion). Print out the Fiber Study Guide and answer the questions by reading the bolded paragraphs on the study guide.

Carbohydrates Study Sheet

Carbohydrates & Fiber Study Guide

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Foods II: Adult Nutrition

Today we went over the Adult portion of our Nutrition Through the Lifecycle Notes. To make up this lab, you'll need to take the notes & then make up the lab.


Nutrition Through the Lifecycle Note Guide

Adult PowerPoint

Granola Bars & Orange Julius

*For more information on how to make up labs, click here: Lab Make Up Instructions

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Foods I: Exploring ChooseMyPlate.Gov

Today we went down to the computer lab and explored the website You'll need to print out the attached worksheet below and then go through the website to find the answers. Remember, you are exploring the website, so the answer many not pop right up, you'll need to search through the website to find all the answers.


Exploring ChooseMyPlate.Gov

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Foods I: MyPlate & Dietary Guidelines Notes

Today we talked about MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines. You'll need to print out the note guide & go through the PowerPoint. For notes on MyPlate, color & label the MyPlate and then take notes in the colored area.

MyPlate & Dietary Guidelines Note Guide

MyPlate & Dietary Guidelines PowerPoint

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Foods II: Nutrition Through the Lifecycle, Childhood

Today we went through the first 2 sections on the Nutrition Through The Lifecylce Note Guide: "General Nutritional Needs" & "Childhood."

You'll need to print off the note guide & then go through the PowerPoint to fill-in-the-blanks on the first 2 sections.


Nutrition Through The Lifecycle Note Guide

General Nutritional Needs & Childhood PowerPoint