Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Navigating the Blog - Where Is My Assignment???

                   Foods I                                Foods II

Students, please click above on the class you are in. The link will take you to a list of posts. Click on the post that is the same title of the assignment/lab you are missing (look on the portal, it will show you the name of the assignment/lab you are missing).

Once you click on the title of the assignment (they are listed alphabetically), the blog post will tell you everything you need to do to make up the work.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


If you weren't in class today, you really missed out! We made and cooked a pizza. Here's the Pizza recipe for your lab make up or if you're feeling like making it again.



*For information on what specifically you need to do to make up a lab, click here: Lab Make Up Instructions